WORLD UNKNOWN | Based on 'World Unknown' by PHASEONE x ERRA 
Illustration: Marianne Mosquera

Test driving a new spin on my illustrated pieces. There’s been a need for reinvention stuck on my hand for a few days now, with the artwork anyway. I want to add some modernization while keeping the integrity of my figure-centric, sketchy style, so— clear layers with a sketchy signature. I’ve also been unable to get the latest @phaseoneau X @erraband track out of my head, so I put it on paper to channel the vibes out productively. 🤘 I’ve liked the design work on PhaseOne’s last two collabs, so I grabbed a bit of textural inspiration from that. I’m also naturally just a sucker for anything monochrome + yellow. Kind of want to do more musician-focused designs now. Thoughts?
'World Unknown', 2023
Graphite with Digital shading | Traditional-digital Illustration
World Unknown


World Unknown
